Staff List

General Enquiries

The School Reception is the first point of contact for all your enquiries. The working Admin hours are from 0730 until 1450.

Main Office
Tel: +357 25 96 3888 / 8003
Email:  [email protected]

Absence Reporting
Tel: +357 25 96 3888 / 8003
[email protected]

Full-Time Teachers

Mr Colin Guyton
[email protected]
Head Teacher Geography
Mr Stephen Dixon
Deputy Head Teacher  Art / Drama
Mrs Kelly Bonar
Head of Sixth Form Geography
Mr Philip Bougeard
Teacher Art
Mrs Jane Byers
Teacher Biology / Science
Mrs Alison Cambridge
Teacher  MFL
Mrs Elizabeth Dunmore
[email protected]
Teacher Design and Technology
Mrs Julie Edwards
Teacher Music
Mrs Kimberley Fox
Head of Faculty – Maths, Computing & Business Studies Mathematics
Mrs Katie Gardiner
Head of Key Stage 3 PE
Mr Arthur Glencross
Head of Faculty – Science and BTEC Science
Mrs Deborah Glencross
Teacher English
Mr Jon Gleed
Head of Faculty – MFL MFL
Mrs Helen Harper
Head of Faculty – English & Drama English & Drama
Mr Andrew Holden
SENCO English
Mrs Ayesha Lamb
Teacher History
Mrs Marina Lea
Head of Faculty – Creative Design and Technology
Mr Frank Marsden
Teacher PE
Mr Danny O’Missenden
Teacher Mathematics
Mrs Gill Marsden Teacher English
Mrs Samantha Papaioannou
Head of Careers and PSHE RE
Mr Guy Kingston-Bray
[email protected]
Teacher Computer Science
Mrs Agathi Prodromou
[email protected]
Teacher Science
Ms Nichola Robertshaw
[email protected]
Teacher Science
Mrs Chelsey Sofianos [email protected] Teacher Psychology / Humanities
Mrs Katy Stevenson
[email protected]
Teacher Mathematics
Mr James Strang
[email protected]
Head of Faculty – Humanities History
Mr Ricardo Vasconcellos
[email protected]
Teacher Geography

Learning Support

Mr Philip Cornford Assistant to SENCO/ LSA
Mrs Claire Gleed Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Diana Strang Learning Support Assistant
Ms Isabella Smith Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Angela Dakin Learning Support Assistant
Ms Danielle Bruce Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Laura Lawrence Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Lisa Hollis Learning Support Assistant
Mr Mark Jones Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Angharad Davis Learning Support Assistant

Support Staff

Mrs Penny Demetriou PA to Head Teacher/ School Secretary/ Secretary to SGC
Mrs Maria Hadjinicolaou Network Manager
Mr Christos Christofi Examinations Officer/ Health and Safety Officer
Mrs Christia Antoniou Finance Clerk
Mrs Flora Vlachou Resources Clerk / Librarian
Ms Eleni Dionysi Science Technician
Ms Sophia Demetriou Admin Clerk
Mr Andrew Carter Management Systems Administrator
Mrs Hayley Twyford Management Systems Administrator
Mr Harry Simpson LSA IT Support Assistant
Ms Ioanna Loukaidou School Receptionist
Mr George Mylonas Caretaker