St John’s School is committed to delivering the highest quality careers, education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) to all students from Year 7 through to Year 13, ensuring that all students have exposure to the best opportunities available to support their personal development and personal pathways.
Our aim is that when a student leaves St John’s School they are fully prepared for the next step for success, whatever that looks like for each individual student.
Careers guidance incorporates a full range of activity delivered under the eight Gatsby Benchmarks.
Useful Careers Resources for Students and Parents:
- Talking Futures: Parent toolkit for career conversations: A parents’ toolkit for career conversations (talkingfutures.org.uk)
- National Careers Service: Careers advice – job profiles, information and resources | National Careers Service
- Prospects: Prospects.ac.uk
- Apprenticeship information: How they work (apprenticeships.gov.uk)